80s toys - Atari. I still have

ColoR TriX....!

1» Some Color Name:-
Red, Lime, Teal, Aqua, Green, Fuchsia, Purple, Maroon, Blue, Navy, Black, White, Silver, Gray, Olive, Yellow

2» More Colors:-
#f80f80 #f8f008 #ff0880
#8f0f80 #8f80f0 #f8080f
Try it like dis in mcampus
<font color=#f80f80>Your sms
Change the position of f, 8, 0 to get more color dont change pOsitiOn of dis # symbol

3» Color Secret:-
<font color=#123456>Your sms
Just replace 1,2,3,4,5,6 with anY alphabet to get more color like dis <font color=#a2345b>Msg

BacK ! HomE

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